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Elizma Lambert will be presenting at the ATP Health Summit on November 2nd and 3rd 2019 along with many other great speakers such as Sofie Van Kempen, Matthew Legge, Dr. Richard Kreider, James Newbury, Shannon Cooper, Simon Hill and Ken Ware.


As a health-conscious person, you already know managing every part of your health while taking care of your other responsibilities can be overwhelming. Especially when you don’t know exactly how to address all of your problems right away.

The Personalised Health Summit is unlike any other because your experience is a two-day interactive health summit tailored just for you.

The first thing we do at the summit is fill out a symptom picture questionnaire together, to help you understand what problems you are experiencing and how you’ll be able to fix them.

You’ll use that information to select the seminars and workshops to participate in so you can get the answers to all your questions.

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