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Elizma has been active in the health industry for around 20+ years.  She set up ‘Elizma Lambert’ as a business due to gaining recognition in many different countries amongst both practitioners and the community. Rebecca joined the business contributing her skills as a ‘problem solving’ nutritionist to complement the practice.


We conduct consultations with people and practitioners all over the world and treat many forms of chronic health conditions because we look at it from a cellular dysfunction point of view.  We take everything into account – your symptoms, your test results, your reactions to foods, supplements or medicines, your health history – and we connect the dots between all of these.

So, this is our philosophy…

Everything is connected

All body systems are connected.

The symptoms you are experiencing are likely the downstream effects of an underlying issue that hasn’t been identified yet.  Your body is signaling through these symptoms that something isn’t quite right.

It is my responsibility to uncover what that is, so I can address ALL your complaints with a cohesive treatment approach.

It’s all about the ROOT cause

By examining your symptoms, understanding how your genes are expressing, and conducting functional testing when necessary, I am able to identify the root cause and focus on what’s needed to achieve your optimal health.

Most are aware how our gut and its microbiome impact our overall health.  Yet, it’s also about hormones and our neurotransmitters, the compounds essential for cellular communication.  Symptoms and organs can’t be isolated and treated seperately – the body doesn’t operate in isolation, and neither should my treatment approach.

Disease is a verb, not a noun

It essentially means that a disease label, such as ‘Parkinson’s disease’, is just a way to categorize symptoms and processes occurring within the body.  To me, the disease’s name is not the focal point.

What IS crucial is examining these processes and understanding why your biochemistry has deviated from optimal health, and figuring out how to guide it back.

This philosophy stands in stark contrast to the conventional medical model, where the disease’s name is central for prescribing specific drugs.

Symptoms are your body’s method of signaling that something is amiss.  My role is to ‘listen’ and respond appropriately, rather than merely silencing these symptoms by treating them superficially.

There is no such thing as a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ marker

When examining test results it’s common to feel concerned upon seeing numerous red marking or highs and lows.

However, I view these differently.

Markers on test results that deviate from the norm reveal how your body is reacting to certain factors.  Your body always responds in an appropriate manner, with protective mechanisms often necessary to prevent cell death.

My focus is to uncover why your body feels the need to protect itself and from what – this is what I excel at.

It’s all about you!

If you’ve landed on this website you most likely have a challenging health condition, suffer from a chronic illness, or have been put in the too-hard-basket by mainstream medicine.

Either way, we believe you should feel that you are being listened to and have the option to look for the root cause of your condition as opposed to just being treated for your symptoms.

Team Elizma Lambert

Elizma Lambert

Naturopath | Functional Medicine practitioner | Educator

I am a curious researcher who loves to find connections between everything biochemistry and genetics. I’m a firm believer that if you can look at the body as a three dimensional system and understand how everything works then you can treat anything. This is why I don’t specialize in any one specific area but am one of the few generalist practitioners out there who treats everything and anything.
Because it’s all connected, and we miss the forest for the trees if we ignore everything else around the disorder.


Rebecca Baldrey


Rebecca has been working closely with Elizma for the last 10 years sharing similar views and ideas on health.
Being a mother of two children who had many food challenges early in their lives, there is no better person to get guidance from when it comes to complex meal plans and finding recipe ideas for fussy eaters.

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