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Are you a student?
Are you a recently graduated practitioner who is still trying to find your feet?
Do you work with complex cases and are stuck for answers?

Here is what one practitioner had to say about her experience

I apologize for the long post AND I wanted to share my experience with Elizma – I spent 3 weeks in Australia and about 10 days learning from Elizma – I have been back home for 2 months. I am a Physician Assistant and have been taking functional medicine (IFM) for about 2 years, it’s a great way to systematic learning the material. That said I was wanting more hands-on experience – I wanted to understand the clinical run around the process that getting to the root cause (connecting the dots) can sometimes bring. I wanted to learn how to expedite my learning process, of root cause assessment) so I could be fully ready to support my clients toward better health.
I went to an organic acid test (OAT) lecture in January 2017 and heard Elizma Lambert speak on biochemistry; the way she shared her clinical application made sense. I had heard lectures before but somehow, she lit up the clinical relevance and not a protocol-driven treatment plan. She spoke to the listening of the patient, the biochemistry, and other cofactors. What I liked most was using real-time case examples and the if this then that or if that then this scenario. After this lecture, I ran about 25 OATs and began to understand that I don’t know what I don’t know – meaning I needed more biochemistry but also how it was applied to clinical relevance and treatment. I wanted more guided experience with someone who could help me process patient information and testing (all kinds of testing). I wanted to know interaction and sequence of testing and treatment options. I wanted to know what worked and what didn’t in different patient populations. I did not want to learn on the job – I wanted to be fully effective and efficient before I officially opened the NavWell doors.
I looked for opportunities to do a one on one internship and Elizma agree to mentor me. I packed my bags and headed to Australia! The experience was incredible, combining telehealth and in office consultations, I saw over 100 patients, was able to have all my questions answered and then some. I would not have been able to handle this load – my sheer ‘newness’ alone would have me researching and double checking my thoughts on each patient till the cows came home and at best I would have been able to see 10 – 20 clients. I am sure if left on my own I would most likely have been left questioning my treatment plan. However, since studying with Elizma I confidently have understanding, a plan and structure in place to run NavWell Effectively and Efficiently. Thankfully, there is much less bumping into walls and I am very grateful for her time and expertise. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity! Elizma Thank You! – D. Valoras (Functional Medicine Practitioner USA)


As practitioners we never stop learning.

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