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You are taking action. Whether you have seen many other practitioners before me, or venturing into the unknown for the first time, my aim would be to help you make sense of your symptoms and/or lab test results and provide recommendations so you can move forward and start getting better.

I also love it when people have a ‘practitioner team’ such as a primary care physician or health practitioner that they can physcially go to if they need a health assessment done.

We connect the dots for you

By making connections between lab tests, your symptoms, health history, root cause and genetic snips (where relevant) you may better understand why your health is not where you want it to be.

Knowledge is power, and the more you understand the influences and obstacles preventing you from reaching your full potential, the better equipped you are at creating the changes you need for you to reach your health goals.

We look for the Root Cause

Sometimes the answers are staring you right in the face, and the solution is really simple.

Other times it is not so obvious and it needs a bit of lateral thinking to find answers. If you have been sick for a long time, had multiple tests done, and still haven’t received any explanations, then you are most likely part of this group. Here is where you need a detective!

Your solution is out there

The right test just hasn’t been done yet. The stone is still unturned. Often the clues are in your words, but no one has bothered to listen to you.

It is important not to get distracted by numbers on a piece of paper whilst ignoring your symptoms completely.

We help you make sense of your Genetic Report

There is nothing more frustrating than having done a gene test and getting pages of numbers back that don’t mean a thing to you.

Some rs ID’s are very relevant and some not so. You need someone who can identify the important information without getting stuck amongst the ‘background noise’.

Some companies provide more reliable gene testing services due to rigorous research and looking at haplotypes, whilst others don’t.

In some cases you may get a summary or explanation of singular genes, but it still doesn’t give you the whole picture. How do all the gene snips relate to each other? And what are possible compensations provided by genes without mutations?

These are the types of questions that need a skilled practitioner who is confident in reading gene reports, understanding methylation, and the other biochemical pathways that are often ignored.  And also who can guide you to the companies doing quality gene testing.

We provide you with a Plan

This is the most important part. It may not be a protocol that you’ve used before because we dig deeper and take all the variables into account..

We change things where we need to based on these variables. And we consider that with every step your biochemistry may be changing and we need to change with you.

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