The GPL-Tox test screens for toxic non-metal chemical exposure which includes many environmental pollutants such as phthalates, vinyl chloride, benzene, pyrethrins, xylenes, styrene, organosphosphates, MTBE and ETBE, diphenyl phosphate, acrylamide, 2, 4-Dicholorophenoxyacetic, perchlorate and many others.
Order via RN Labs
Australian Clients
- Use the code OAT2 if you are just doing the GPL-Tox test.
- Use the code OAT5 if you are doing it together with an OAT.
- Look for it under THE GREAT PLAINS LABORATORY section.
Order via Regenerus Labs
UK Clients
Order via Great Plains Laboratories
US Clients

Urine Porphyrins
Urinary porphyrins are generated as the body builds hemoglobin, the compound that carries oxygen in blood cells. A porphyrin is made up of four ring compounds joined together, a structure conducive to holding a metal ion in its center, iron in the heme porphyrin of hemoglobin and magnesium in chlorophyll.
Small amounts of porphyrins in the urine is normal. The amount of individual porphyrins in the urine may be altered by certain hereditary diseases and by environmental or nutritional influences. For this reason it may provide insight into possible toxic burden.
Order via RN Labs
Australian Clients
Order the URINE PORPHYRINS test by looking for the code NO022 under DOCTORS DATA after clicking on the button below.
Order via Regenerus Labs
UK Clients
Order via Great Plains Laboratories
US Clients
Hair Mineral Analysis
A Metals Hair Test is ideal for checking current exposure to toxic metals. Hair provides important information that should be used together with symptoms and other test results to pick up on important trends such as how well you are absorbing nutrients from your food, what you may be exposed to, and your ability to clear these metals from your body.
The U.S. Environmental Protection agency stated in a recent report that “…if hair samples are properly collected and cleaned, and analyzed by the best analytic methods, using standards and blanks as required, in a clean and reliable laboratory by experienced personnel, the data are reliable.” (U.S.E.P.A. 600/4-79-049)

Order via RN Labs
Australian Clients
Order the URINE PORPHYRINS test by looking for the code NO022 under DOCTORS DATA.